About the Journal
FINANCE A ÚVĚR-CZECH JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS AND FINANCE (Print ISSN 0015-1920, Online ISSN 2464-7683) is an English-language, double-blind refereed academic journal published in Prague by Charles University, Faculty of Social Sciences. The journal has been published since 1951. It devotes special attention to monetary economics, management, business, public finance, financial economics, and international economics, but it is open to high-quality papers from all fields of modern economics, management, business, public finance. The CJEF is aimed primarily at macroeconomic policymakers, academic researchers, university teachers and students, economists working in the public and private sectors, financial officers, and financial consultants.
Impact factor and indexing
The most recent journal's impact factor (0.792) is similar to distinguished international journals.
The journal is indexed in the Web of Science (the Social Sciences Citation Index), Current Contents Connect, JEL, ECONLIT, SCOPUS, and ABI Inform. It is also registered in the Ulrich’s International Journals Archive. The journal is distributed worldwide by the EBSCOhost Electronic Journals Service and by the ProQuest LLC.